My finished minis for Dropzone Commander
I've finally finished painting the UCM and Scourge armies that came with the 2-player starter set I bought. I've had the colour schemes and test models done for ages but other things have conspired to...
View ArticleGreat Service from WW Wargaming
Just a quick heads up on the great service I got from WW Wargaming. I was seduced by some photos of the Mantic Goblin heroes pack and had to buy some for my 'God of Battles' force.I was pleased when I...
View ArticleQuick review: Sarissa 28mm MDF Dark Age Ox Cart
Sorry things have been a bit quite lately but I blame Jake Thornton and Neil Shuck. After listening to the Meeples & Miniatures podcast about God of Battles I bought the rules and have become...
View ArticleDeadzone on it's way!
Just had an e-mail saying my Deadzone Kickstarter stuff will arrive sometime tomorrow. I can't remember what I ordered so it will be fun opening up the box. Whatever it is it's heavy weighing in at...
View ArticleQuick Unboxing: Deadzone Kickstarter Box
My Deadzone package arrived bright & early this morning so I thought I'd post a few quick photos of what I received. Here's the contents of my package laid out on a 6x4 table. The 2' x 2' rubber...
View ArticleQuick Review: Deadzone Rebs Faction minis
Each day for the next couple of weeks I'm going to be randomly picking a pack of figures from my Kickstarter box, assembling them and then giving my thoughts on the models and how they went together....
View ArticleQuick Review: Deadzone Marauder Ripper Suits
Today's random pick is two Ripper Suits and a Goblin sniper for the Marauders faction. All the minis come packed as shown below with no indication of what the models are or any instructions of how the...
View ArticleQuick Review: Deadzone random MVP
Today's random pick is the random MVP for Dreadball that's included with your Kickstarter as a bonus figure. I gather this one is called Riller. All the minis come packed as shown below with no...
View ArticleQuick Review: Deadzone Marauder Commando
Today's random pick is a Commando trooper for the Marauders faction. All the minis come packed as shown below with no indication of what the models are or any instructions of how the pieces go...
View ArticleQuick Review: Deadzone Plague Stage 3A
Today's random pick is a couple of Plague Stage 3A for the Plague faction. The models are the General and a Trooper. All the minis come packed as shown below with no indication of what the models are...
View ArticleQuick Review: Deadzone Rebs Faction minis
Today's random pick is two Human troopers and a Yndij Sergeant for the Rebs faction. All the minis come packed as shown below with no indication of what the models are or any instructions of how the...
View ArticleQuick Review: More Deadzone Marauders
Today's random pick are different Trooper and Goblin Sniper sculpts for the Marauders faction. All the minis come packed as shown below with no indication of what the models are or any instructions of...
View ArticleQuick Review: Deadzone Marauder Pyro
Today's random pick is the Pyro for the Marauders faction. All the minis come packed as shown below with no indication of what the models are or any instructions of how the pieces go together. As...
View ArticleQuick Review: Deadzone Plague Troopers & Specialist
Today's random pick is two Troopers and a Specialist for the Plague faction. All the minis come packed as shown below with no indication of what the models are or any instructions of how the pieces go...
View ArticleA little aside.
For those of you expecting another Deadzone figure review, sorry. Real life has intervened so there will be a delay. So as a quick interlude here's a couple of things that might make nice stocking...
View ArticleChristmas Surprise
I logged in to The Miniatures Page this morning to find out some kind soul has anonymously gifted me a free year of Supporting Membership. I've no idea who did this or why, so in case you read this...
View ArticleA quick update
Sorry I haven't posted in a while but real life has gotten in the way of gaming. I've been up and down to the north east a few times in the past month or so to help out my sister. I won't go into...
View ArticleAnother Tempting Kickstarter!
Although I'm still busy with getting ready to sell my house I do find time to keep up with what's new in the wargaming world. It was on one of these forays that I came across this Kickstarter called...
View ArticleStar Wars X-Wing for 'free' and an update on my move.
Things are finally coming together with my house move. I'd hoped to be all sorted out April/May time but I had a bit of a health scare which has put things back a couple of months (don't you just love...
View ArticleWhat I'd like to play in the coming months
With my move finally taking place next Monday I should be getting back to gaming next week after a break of about six months. So more for myself than anything else I've created a list of games and...
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